Samsung Galaxy Watch Heart Rate Monitor Not Working: Quick Fixes & Tips

When using a Samsung Galaxy Watch, many users rely on the built-in heart rate monitor to track their fitness progress and monitor their health.

Occasionally, you may encounter issues where the heart rate monitor is not functioning as expected. This can disrupt your exercise routine and affect the accuracy of the health data collected by your device.

To ensure that your Samsung Galaxy Watch’s heart rate monitor operates correctly, it’s essential to wear the watch properly and keep both the watch and its software up to date. You should also be familiar with how the heart rate monitor works, as well as the settings that can affect its performance.

When problems arise, knowing the common troubleshooting steps can help you quickly resolve them without interrupting your fitness and health monitoring for an extended period.

Key Takeaways

  • Proper wearing and regular updates are crucial for Samsung Galaxy Watch heart rate monitor accuracy.
  • Familiarity with the heart rate monitor’s function and settings enhances user experience and troubleshooting effectiveness.
  • Knowing common troubleshooting steps helps maintain consistent performance of your Samsung Galaxy Watch.

Understanding the Heart Rate Monitor

Your Samsung Galaxy Watch is equipped with a heart rate monitor that uses advanced sensor technology to provide you with information about your heart rate during daily activities and exercise.

How the Heart Rate Sensor Works

The heart rate sensor on your Samsung Galaxy Watch uses photoplethysmography (PPG). This involves shining a light onto the skin and measuring the amount of light that gets absorbed or reflected back. The variations in light absorption occur due to blood flow, which allows the device to calculate your heart rate.

  • Consistent Contact: For accurate measurement, the watch must maintain consistent contact with your skin.
  • Sensor Location: Typically, sensors are located on the back of the watch, where they remain in contact with your wrist.

Importance of Accurate Heart Rate Tracking

Accurate heart rate tracking is pivotal for several reasons:

  • Exercise Intensity: It helps in maintaining the right intensity during workouts. You can ensure you’re training within the target heart rate zones.
  • Health Monitoring: Accurate tracking provides insights into your overall cardiovascular health and fitness levels.
  • Data Accuracy: The precision of your watch’s heart rate sensor impacts the reliability of the health data collected.
  • Consistent Readings: Regular, consistent readings allow for better tracking of heart rate trends over time.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When your Samsung Galaxy Watch fails to track your heart rate accurately, the issue typically revolves around measurement errors or sensor malfunctions. By going through these troubleshooting steps, you can identify and possibly fix the root cause of the problem.

Heart Rate Measurement Errors

When you get inconsistent or inaccurate readings, ensure your watch band is fastened snugly on your wrist; a loose band can result in poor sensor contact and faulty readings. The sensor requires good skin contact to provide accurate heart rate measurements, so position your watch about an inch above your wrist bone.

  • Check Fit: The band should be tight but comfortable.
  • Position: Wear your watch above the wrist bone.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, you can attempt the following:

  1. Reboot your Galaxy Watch and try measuring again.
  2. Update the watch’s software to the latest version.

Sensor Not Working Properly

Sometimes, the heart rate sensor might stop working correctly. If your watch isn’t recording heart rate at all, you’ll need to dig a bit deeper.

  • Restart your watch to refresh the system.
  • Check for software updates and install them if available.
  • Clean the sensor area gently with a soft lint-free cloth; debris on the sensor can affect its functionality.

In the Samsung Health app, navigate to the Heart Rate Tracker settings:

  • Ensure Auto HR Settings is enabled for automatic tracking.
  • If enabled, disable and then re-enable it.
  • Try a manual measurement to check the sensor’s responsiveness.

If these steps fail to resolve the issue, you may need to contact Samsung support or visit a service center for professional assistance.

Maintaining Your Galaxy Watch for Optimal Performance

To ensure your Samsung Galaxy Watch performs at its best, especially when tracking your heart rate, two key practices are vital: keeping the heart rate sensor clean and regularly updating the software.

Cleaning the Heart Rate Sensor

Your heart rate sensor’s accuracy can be affected by dirt and sweat accumulation. To clean it:

  • Turn off your watch and remove it from your wrist.
  • Lightly dampen a soft, lint-free cloth with fresh water.
  • Gently wipe the sensor to remove any dirt or sweat.
  • Dry the sensor with an additional, dry lint-free cloth before putting your watch back on.

Avoid using sharp objects or abrasive materials to clean the sensor as they can cause damage.

Regular Software Updates

Out-of-date software can lead to performance issues, including inaccurate heart rate measurements. To update your watch:

  1. Ensure your watch is connected to Wi-Fi or your smartphone.
  2. Go to the Settings on your Samsung Galaxy Watch.
  3. Scroll to and select Software Update.
  4. If an update is available, download and install it following the on-screen instructions.

Regular updates can fix bugs and enhance the heart rate monitor’s accuracy. It’s recommended to keep your watch charged during the update process.

Correct Usage During Workouts

Ensuring your Samsung Galaxy Watch heart rate monitor works correctly during workouts hinges on two key aspects: how the watch is worn, and the appropriate settings for exercise modes being correctly configured.

Proper Fit and Placement

For accurate heart rate monitoring during any workout, including running, ensure your watch strap is snug but comfortable around your wrist. The back of the watch should be in contact with your skin, without any objects like wristbands or bracelets obstructing the sensor.

  • Checklist for Proper Fit:
    • The strap should not be too tight to restrict blood flow.
    • There should be no more than a finger’s width snugness between the strap and your wrist.
    • When engaging in vigorous exercises such as running, make sure the watch doesn’t move around.

Monitor Settings for Exercise

Before beginning a workout, customize the monitor settings on your Samsung Galaxy Watch to ensure data accuracy.

  • Steps for Setting Up Exercise Monitoring:
    1. Open the Settings menu on your watch.
    2. Navigate to the Apps section and select Permissions.
    3. Ensure the heart rate monitor has permission to function during exercises.
    4. Disable the automatic detection of exercises that you do not perform frequently, as this can interfere with sensor accuracy.
    5. Verify that the watch is in the correct mode for your particular workout or exercise session.

Advanced Features and Manual Settings

In your Samsung Galaxy Watch, heart rate monitoring is more than just an automatic feature. With advanced settings and manual control, you can tailor the heart rate tracking to suit your needs and preferences.

Manual Heart Rate Measurement

If you need to check your heart rate at a specific time, your Samsung Galaxy Watch allows for on-demand measurements. Open the Samsung Health App on your watch, navigate to the heart rate section, and then tap Measure. Ensure the watch band is snug against your wrist for an accurate reading.

Customizing Auto HR Settings

Auto HR (Heart Rate) Settings can be adjusted to monitor your heart rate continuously or at regular intervals. To access these settings, go to the Samsung Health App, find the Auto HR Settings, and choose from options like:

  • Frequent: for continuous monitoring
  • Always: to measure at all times, including stress measurements
  • Regular: for measurements at pre-set intervals
  • Never: to disable automatic measurement and conserve battery life

By customizing these settings, you control how and when your Galaxy Watch tracks your heart rate, which helps in striking a balance between accuracy and battery life.

Technical Support and Warranty

When facing issues with your Samsung Galaxy Watch, particularly the heart rate monitor not functioning properly, you can seek help through Samsung’s dedicated support channels. Should your device require servicing, the warranty may cover repairs under certain conditions.

Contacting Samsung Support

If you encounter problems with the heart rate monitoring feature of your Samsung Galaxy Watch, Samsung Support can provide guidance and troubleshooting steps. You can contact them directly through:

  • Phone: Call 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864) for voice assistance.
  • Online: Visit Samsung’s official support page and use live chat or email services.
  • Service Centers: Locate the nearest authorized service center via Samsung’s support website.

When reaching out, it’s recommended to have your device’s details on hand for a quicker and more accurate diagnosis.

Warranty Service and Repairs

Your Samsung Galaxy Watch comes with a limited warranty that generally covers manufacturing defects or hardware malfunctions. The warranty period may vary, so you should check the specifics of your warranty status. If the heart rate monitor is malfunctioning and your watch is within the warranty period, you may be eligible for free repairs or replacements. Steps to take include:

  • Warranty Check: Verify your warranty status using your serial number or login at Samsung’s support website.
  • Diagnosis: Through Samsung Support, your watch will be diagnosed to determine if the issue is covered by the warranty.
  • Repair Process: If eligible, Samsung will guide you through the process to send your watch in for repair or visit an authorized service center.

Keep in mind that accidental damage or issues resulting from unauthorized modifications typically aren’t covered by the warranty.

When to Consider a Factory Reset

When experiencing persistent issues with your Samsung Galaxy Watch’s heart rate monitor not functioning correctly, after trying preliminary steps, a Factory Reset may be necessary. Here’s when you should consider taking this action:

  • Persistent Software Glitches: If your watch is suffering from continuous software errors that rebooting or restarting does not resolve, a factory reset can provide a clean slate.
  • After Software Updates: Sometimes, a software update might not install correctly. If problems start post-update, a reset can ensure the update is applied cleanly.
  • Heart Rate Monitor Inconsistencies: If your watch continues to show incorrect or erratic heart rate readings and you’ve confirmed the watch band isn’t too loose and the software is up-to-date, a reset may help.
  • Connectivity Issues: If your watch has trouble staying connected to your phone, try to unpair and then re-pair them. Should this fail to fix the connectivity, a factory reset might be necessary.

Performing a Factory Reset will erase all data from your Samsung Galaxy Watch, so it’s important to backup any important information before proceeding. To perform a Factory Reset:

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu on your watch.
  2. Scroll to and select General.
  3. Choose the option to Reset.

Should you experience any issues during this process, consult the user manual or contact Samsung support for assistance. Remember, a factory reset should be a last resort after all other troubleshooting has failed.

Monitoring Long-Term Heart Rate Trends

Your Samsung Galaxy Watch is not just a tool for checking time; it’s a fitness companion that assists you in monitoring your heart rate trends over periods of time. To keep a closer eye on your cardiovascular health during activities, the Samsung Health App is your go-to resource.

Getting Started:

  • Launch the Samsung Health app on your watch.
  • Swipe to the heart rate section.
  • Select options for continuous monitoring or manual measurements.

Understanding Your Data:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Set your watch to track your heart rate continuously, especially useful during workouts or throughout the day and night to understand how your heart rate responds to various activities and rest.
  • Manual Checks: When you prefer spot checks or specific time points, manually measure your heart rate.

Analyzing Trends:

  • Reviewing Past Data: Look back at your heart rate data over days, weeks, and months to spot patterns.
  • Activity Correlation: Match your heart rate with different activities to see how they affect your cardiovascular system.
  • Health Progress: If you’re using your watch to assist in fitness goals, consistent heart rate trend data will reflect your progress and help tailor your activities.

Remember, for accuracy, keep the watch strap snug but comfortable, and check for software updates that might improve the heart rate sensor’s functionality. Should you notice inconsistencies or inaccuracies in heart rate tracking, a reboot of the device might be a simple fix, but consider consulting Samsung support for persistent issues.


  • Matthew

    Meet Matthew, a wearable tech & fitness enthusiast passionate about transforming health through innovative devices. With an engineering background and a love for fitness, Matthew shares in-depth reviews, tips, and news on the latest wearable tech to help you achieve your fitness goals.

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